Our honey and bee products is produced mainly in Brazilian Amazonian and sub Amazonian ( Cerrado – tropical savanna ) region as well in the Caatinga – scrubland forest region ( which covers the interior portion of northeastern Brazil bordering the Atlantic seaboard ) and other Brasilian beekeeping regions.

Honey collected across these regions possesses large floral sources with various colors and flavors due to botanical and geographical differences and the large extension of the country. Brazil has the biggest extension of natural forest in the world and tropical weather in most of its area.

That is about 300 million hectares of reserves, Indian territories and other protected areas for the biodiversity and rainforest . The absence of antibiotics and pesticide contamination positively differentiates Brazilian honey in the international market. All previously mentioned facts allow Brazil to have the biggest organic honey potential production in the world, Brazilian honey is recognized worldwide for being pure, free of residues and a reference in quality.

Honey in Brazil ( Amazonia , sub Amazonian – Cerrado , Caatinga area – North and Northeast region) is mainly produced by Africanized bees ( Apis mellifera scutellata ) , which are very strong , agile bees and extremely resistant to diseases, to the point that beekeepers do not use treatments with antibiotics or medicines to treat bees. Brazil is also home to several species of stingless bees belonging to Meliponini tribe of bees, with more than 300 species already identified and probably more yet to be discovered. They vary greatly in shape, size, and habits, and 20 to 30 of these species have good potential as honey producers.

Most present stingless bees are species such Jandaíra (melipona subnitida) and true Uruçu – “uruçu-verdadeira” (Melipona scutellaris) in the northeast of the country, Mandaçaia (Melipona quadrifasciata) and yellow Uruçu (Melipona rufiventris) in the south southeast , Tiúba or Jupará (Melipona interrupta) and straw-bee (Scaptotrigona polysticta) in the north and Jataí (Tetragonisca angustula) throughout the country are increasingly kept by small, medium, and large producers. Therefore, Brazil presents the best place in the world for organic honey production.

Brazilian ( Amazonian ) honey consists of approximately 200 substances including sugars, amino acids, proteins, organic acids, flavonoids, phenolic acids, volatile compounds, vitamins, minerals, pigments, wax, enzymes, pollen grains, and other phytochemicals. The honey chemical composition is intrinsically related to factors as bee species, geographical origin, flora, climate conditions, seasons, processing, manipulation, and storage conditions. Quality control analyses are extremely important in the evaluation of origin, quality, adulteration, storage conditions, and contamination of honey.

Brazil and region of Amazonia that presents a large biodiversity is able to offer many different types of honey. The vegetation of the state of Maranhão and the North & North East regions of Brasil reflects the transitional aspects of the climate and edaphic conditions of the region, ranging from saline environments with the presence of mangroves, flooded fields, savannahs and babassu palms, to forest vegetation with Amazonian characteristics.

Amazonian wildflower ( polyfloral ) honey

It is the most popular honey in Brazil. It originates from the pollination of several flowers, which is why there are subtle differences in colour and taste. Amazonian wild flower honey has a colour that ranges from light amber to light yellow, floral and characteristic aroma, floral and characteristic taste. The main plant families that our bees use as a flower resource for the production of multifloral honey are Amaranthaceae, Arecaceae, Asteraceae, Urticaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Lamiaceae, Fabaceae-Mimosoideae, Flacourtiaceae, Rubtaceae and Poaceae. In honey samples, pollen species of Mimosa pudica, Borreria and members of the Arecaceae family were most important during the rainy season.

At harvest time (the transition between the rainy and dry seasons), the most important were Hippis, Borreria and an indeterminate type of pollen of the Asteraceae family. Pollen species showing the main persistence in the sample pollen were Euterpe oleracea, Asteraceae type 1, Mimosa pudica and Borreria. Wildflower honey is collected both in the rainy season and out of the rainy season, 2/3 of the honey plants from which meadow honey is formed have a flowering period during the rainy season (November to March / April), while 1/3 of the honey plants of the Amazon and northeastern Brazil bloom out of the rainy season( from May to the end of September). This honey has antibacterial properties, antioxidant effect (rich in antioxidants) and can help the functioning of the respiratory tract (cough), even with potential beneficial effects on the skin, regulates glucose, treats dandruff, heals wounds, helps with weight loss, improves memory, alleviates joy.

Honey plants from which honey is obtained in our Amazon, is in the northeastern part of Brazil, bloom all year round, so we can offer our polyfloral wildflower Amazonian honey to our domestic and foreign market at any time, which is exactly the purest and highest quality honey that can be found in the market, both in Brazil and in the rest of the world.

Amazonian white Mangrove honey ( Laguncularia racemosa )

The mangrove is a coastal ecosystem that occurs in the transition between land and sea in tropical and subtropical regions of the world, occupying environments flooded by tides, such as: estuaries, coastal lagoons, bays and deltas. These environments are characterized, not necessarily, due to the mixture of fresh and salt water. Mangroves have their importance related to their fundamental functions, such as maintaining water quality, fixing sediment, providing primary production for the surroundings and maintenance of biodiversity. The plants that make up the mangrove and dominate the landscape of this ecosystem are the mangroves.

On the Brazilian coast, the most abundant genera are Avicennia (Avicenniaceae), Laguncularia (Combretaceae) and Rhizophora (Rhizophoraceae), and representatives of genus Conocarpus (Combretaceae). Flowering time is in July and August.

The honey produced by bees in the mangrove has particular and differentiated characteristics from ordinary primary forest honey, so it is influenced by the properties of the soil that sends nutrients to the plants where the nectars of the flowers are collected.

The honey that bees produce in the mangrove has special characteristics, as it is a very clear, sweet and liquid honey, this type of honey has a positive effect on treating rheumatic pain, digestive disorders such as peptic ulcers, diarrhea, including hemorrhoids. Mangrove leaves, stems, fruits and flowers have in their composition antioxidants, anticancer and antimicrobials properties. In folk medicine it is used in prevention of anemia, diabetes, conjunctivitis, headache, diarrhea, fever and, bleeding ( alum ). Mangrove honey has great potential for use, since it contains molecules of bioactive substances of great interest and relevance for pharmacological use, such as salts, acids organic, carbohydrates, alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, among others, that can be extracted and used in the medical and cosmetic areas.

Amazonian Cashew honey ( Anacardium occidentale L.)

In the Brazilian Northeast there are large areas of cashew ( Anacardium occidentale L.) tree. It occurs in the native state in the fields and dunes of the north coast of Brazil, especially in the states of Maranhão, Piauí and Ceará. Its inflorescences are formed by red, small and fragrant flowers. Nectar is the most attractive resource for pollinators, although pollen is also collected by some bees. Solitary bees of the genus Centris, also known as oil collecting bees, are the main pollinators of the cashew. Species of stingless bees like the Jandaíra bee (Melipona subnitida) also collect nectar from the cashew tree flowers. Centris bees need oil to build their nests and feed their young.

The cashew honey is amber in colour with the specific taste of acidity which additionally characterizes this type of honey.

The taste is very reminiscent of that of cajuína – the typical drink of indigenous origin made from clarified cashew juice, which is widely consumed in the states of Ceará, Maranhão and Piauí, and that even its traditional production process is registered at Iphan as Brazilian Cultural Heritage. Cashew honey, however, is more concentrated than cajuína, and therefore much darker and thicker. Cashew honey is powerful anti-anemic, anti-flu and it is also a natural “sweetener”, low glycemic index (slow-digesting sugar), speaks that the darker the honey, the more antioxidants it contains. Cashew honey is an excellent food for treating diabetes.

Amazonian Croton(Croton sonderianus habit and inflorescences (A/B) & Croton heliotropiifolius )

Croton sonderianus , Croton inflorescences and Croton heliotropiifolius are native plants of northeastern part of Brasil that are the most important sources of nectar for producing marmoleiro (Croton) honey due the rainy season( November – March ). Genuine product of high quality, this honey is harvested in the hinterland of northeastern Brazil, what makes the product appreciated for its nutritional value.

It is considered one of the best Amazonian and Brazilian honeys.

Clear, straw like ( yellow gold ) color with mild , floral , slightly fruity aroma and remarkable characteristic of quince. Honey texture is velvety with thick consistency. Taste is waxy , citrus fruity. It has anti-inflammatory action, prevents aging and degenerative diseases.
Pleasant and aromatic Croton honey also helps and regulates the intestine, is a great digestive tonic and an excellent remedy against chronic migraine. Prevents aging and degenerative diseases.

Amazonian eucalyptus honey ( Eucalyptus cloeziana , grandis, citriodora, saligna, and urophylla )

Brazil is the largest producer of Eucalyptus in the world. Maranhao state has around 200,000 hectares of eucalyptus planted area up until 2020. It is well known that eucalyptus plantation is very interesting for producing honey. It can be planted without chemical treatments allowing honey being produced as an organic area, producing also organic certified honey. There are several species of Eucalyptus planted in the Maranhao state Eucalyptus cloeziana, grandis, citriodora, saligna, and urophylla. The Eucalyptus bloom offers bees and beekeepers a second nectar flow during the year. This happens because the trees bloom at a different time than the other many flowers in the Cerrado ( Brazilian savanna ). Eucalyptus honey is darker in color ( golden yellow ) , crystallized in texture has a refreshing taste ( butterscotch, toffee caramel ) and a balsamic smell typical of the aroma of the eucalyptus tree.

Eucalyptus honey presents the no.1 honey choice for respiratory disease treatment.

  • In the treatment of colds and flu: its antioxidant, antiviral and antimicrobial properties help to restore the immune system, promoting an increase in the body’s defenses, causing the flu or cold virus to disappear.
  • To clear the airways: ideal for the treatment of asthma, pneumonia, pharyngitis, cough, bronchitis; relieves nasal congestion and reduces phlegm and mucus.
  • In the urinary system: empties and disinfects the urinary system, from conditions such as cystitis and nephritis; It contributes to the elimination of kidney stones, without having to resort to the use of antibiotics.
  • In the gastric system: eliminates gastritis. Taking a tablespoon daily on an empty stomach, makes the discomfort caused by gastritis disappear.

It has a high level of energy; It is rich in vitamins B6, B5, B3, B2, A, C, D. Contains magnesium, iron, copper, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, sulfur, manganese and sodium. This composition makes it ideal for recovering the body after illness, low levels of nutrition and to reinforce the growth process in children over two years old.

The natural mixture of eucalyptus and honey brings benefits with regard to beauty care, radiating it from the inside. Eucalyptus, with its balsamic aroma, contributes to generate feelings of emotional relaxation, clearing the mind and stimulating the sensory part, which contributes to the regeneration of the body in an integral way. From the external point of view, a mask on the skin of the face helps to recover the elasticity and moisture, which tends to wear out due to the action of external agents, such as air, the sun or the consumption of cigarettes and a few hours of sleep.
Applied directly to the hair for a few minutes, it provides nutrients, restoring its silky and shiny appearance.

The eucalyptus component in this type of honey, although it leans towards its curative, preventive and nourishing properties, did not escape the search for exotic flavors for the most demanding palates, due to the wood flavor that resides in this eucalyptus honey, along with its strong balsamic aroma.

Amazonian Pennyroyal – squaw mint , mosquito plant , pudding grass ( Mentha pulegium )

Amazonian Pennyroyal ( Squaw mint , mosquito plant , pudding grass ) ( Mentha pulegium ) (Hyptis atrorubens Poit. ) Mint pulegium also known in Brazil as Amazonian Pennyroyal is one of the best known species of the genus Mint of the Lamiaceae family. This type of honey can be considered rare in Brazil. The color of this honey varies from light amber to dark amber, and is strongly flavored with the general characteristics close to those found in the oranges.

Amazonian peppermint honey has great use as a digestive and in fighting colds and flu.

In asthma and bronchitis it is used as an expectorant (a drug that has the ability to cause the expulsion of accumulated bronchial secretions), chronic cough, soothing nervous system (the delicious aroma and flavor of the mint help reduce nervousness), insomnia and, rheumatic pains, acidity in the stomach, fermentations, nausea, parasitic infections and menstrual problems.